Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy covers the processing of personal data requested from the customer for the correct use of the store www.floressertisanasterapeuticas.com .

The requested data allows purchases to be more efficient, simple and fast.

The information collected is shown below.

To place orders on the website, the following data is required:

Full name; Shipping address; Valid email address; Tax name; Tax address; Tax number and telephone contact.

The information collected is used for authentication, user identification, product sales, billing and service improvement.

FloresSer is not authorized to reveal personal information without permission, so your information will not be shared with third parties.


Cookies are text files that the internet browser stores on your computer/mobile device when you visit a website. This will help the website to recognize your device the next time you visit it, allowing for more efficient browsing, without having to repeatedly enter the same information.

FloresSer uses the term “cookies” in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user. Cookies collect generic information related to your preferences, such as how users arrive and use the website or the area of the country/countries through which they access, etc.

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies.
For more information on how to manage cookies in different browsers, visit www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies

By refusing the use of cookies, you may prevent some web services from functioning correctly, which may compromise navigation on this website.